Practice Exercise - 4

1. In the following class, write code for the methods __eq__, __lt__, __le__.

class Time:
    def __init__(self,h,m,s):
        self._h = h 
        self._m = m
        self._s = h

    #Read-only field accessors
    def hours(self):
        return self._h

    def minutes(self):
        return self._m

    def seconds(self):
        return self._s

def _cmp(time1,time2):
    if time1._h < time2._h:
        return 1
    if time1._h > time2._h:
        return -1
    if time1._m < time2._m:
        return 1
    if time1._m > time2._m:
        return -1
    if time1._s < time2._s:
        return 1
    if time1._s > time2._s:
        return -1
    return 0

t1 = Time(13, 10, 5)
t2 = Time(5, 15, 30)
t3 = Time(5, 15, 30)
print(t1 < t2)
print(t1 > t2)
print(t1 == t2)
print(t2 == t3)

2. Implement __add__ and __radd__ methods for the following class Length.

class Length:
    def __init__(self, feet, inches):
        self.feet = feet  
        self.inches = inches

    def __str__(self):
        return f'{self.feet} {self.inches}'

    def add_length(self,L):
       f = self.feet + L.feet
       i = self.inches + L.inches
       if i >= 12:
           i = i - 12
       f += 1
       return Length(f, i)

    def add_inches(self,inches):
       f = self.feet + inches // 12
       i = self.inches + inches % 12
       if i >= 12:
           i = i - 12
       f += 1
       return Length(f, i)

length1 = Length(2,10)
length2 = Length(3,5)
print(length1 + length2)
print(length1 + 2)
print(length1 + 20)
print(20 + length1)

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